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Chapter Scholarships

1. AHEPA Family Scholarship

2. AHEPA Family Greek Community Scholarship



                        Information (.doc)

                        Application (.doc)

                        Deadline: June 1, 2024

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District Scholarship

1. Order of AHEPA and Daughters of Penelope Joint

    Scholarship (Graduate)

2. William H. Girgulis Memorial Scholarship



                        Deadline: May 1, 2025 // Application


                        Forming a Scholarship Brochure (.doc)

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The AHEPA Family Charitable Foundation of Canada

Dr. Dimitriades Memorial Medical Scholarship

$2,000 Awarded

(Application Deadline June)


The Dr. Dimitriadis Memorial Scholarship is awarded to a student of Hellenic Heritage or AHEPA family enrolled in a school of medicine at a Canadian university.  



Katsepontes Family Scholarship in Law or Medicine

$1500 Awarded 

(Application Deadline June)


One Katsepontes Family Law or Medicine Scholarship is awarded to a Canadian resident enrolled in an accredited law or medical school at a Canadian university.



Nina and Dean Antonakes Performing Arts Scholarship

$1000.00 Awarded

(Application Deadline June)


The Nina and Dean Antonakes scholarship is awarded to a Canadian resident enrolled in an accredited Performing arts program at a Canadian university and is of Hellenic heritage.



NA Engineering Associates Inc – Engineering Student Scholarship

$2000 Awarded

(Application Deadline June)


One NA Engineering Students Scholarship is awarded to a Canadian resident enrolled in an accredited Engineering program at a Canadian university and are members of the AHEPA Family.



Nick Logothetis Journey to Greece 
Scholarship Application 


The AFCFC established this scholarship program in 2006 to sponsor Canadian students as an immersion experience studying Greek language and heritage.  The Journey to Greece program is administered by the AHEPA Educational Foundation in the USA and Webster University.




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National Maids of Athena

Are you a Maids of Athena member in good standing?​  Are you a graduating high school senior planning to attend college or university? An undergraduate student? A graduate student?

​If so, consider applying for the National Maids of Athena Scholarship!


Deadline: May  / /  Website

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Daughters of Penelope Foundation, Inc.

The Daughters of Penelope Foundation, Inc. believes education is the primary path toward advancement of women in today’s society. Over 25 Undergraduate and postgraduate awards are available.


Deadline: May / /  Website

AHEPA National Educational Foundation

AHEPA's commitment to education has been well documented throughout its history. Over $4 million is endowed at the local, district and national levels toward the use of scholarships and a half-million dollars is awarded annually.


Deadline: March  / /  Website

© Daughters of Penelope - Erato Chapter.

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