Daughters of Penelope
Erato Chapter | Calgary, Alberta, Canada

2013 Comedy Night
Fundraiser with Angelo Tsarouchas and Tim Nassiopoulos. Great night! $30,000 was given to the Foothills Hospital Hematology Department.
Honours & Awards
Recent photos of our members being presented our Chapter Penelope of the Year Award and various service pins.

GP Visitation
GPJooane Saltas and Exec. Director Elena Saviolakis visited us on a snowy weekend in March. Thank you so much for visiting our chapter!

Canadian President Visitation
A small gathering of Ahepans and Daughters for George Vassilas' visitation on October 10, 2013.

2013 Scholarship Awards
Congratulations to Deme Yannitsos and Christina Devetzis. Scholarships were presented on Cotober 5, 2013.

2016 Penelope of the Year Recipient - Celia Kachmarski

2015 Penelope of the Year Recipient - Despina Yannitsos

2016 Penelope of the Year Recipient - Celia Kachmarski
2016 Carewest George Boyack Tea & Cheque Presentation
Cheque presentation and tea at the George Boyack - Dementia Care Centre.

2016 AHEPA Family Brunch & Scholarship Awards
Congratulations to Chris Behan and Christina Tsaprailis on being the recipients of this year's scholarships.

2016 AHEPA Family Brunch & Scholarship presentation

2016 AHEPA Family Brunch & Scholarship presentation

2015 Royal Canadian District Convention & Banquet
The Calgary Chapters hosted the Royal Canadian District 24 Convention at the Grey Eagle Casino & WHODUNIT Dinner Banquet.

2016 AHEPA Family Donates & Serves Dinner at the Calgary Drop-in Shelter

2016 Calgary Greek School Awards donated by the Calgary AHEPA Family

2016 Fun Casino Fundraiser
Fun Casino Fundraiser for Carewest George Boyack - Dementia Care. Fun and great food - thanks to Strathmore Station & Pub - was had by all!


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Civic Responsibility
& service